Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Third Time’s the Charm: Here We Grow Again

Well, well, well … look who’s back and bigger than ever!! Yep, it’s me … much, much more of me (I’m thinking Kirstie Alley and I are soul sisters).

Like any good addict (where’s the Intervention TV crew for the fatties??), I have well-thought out excuses for my relapse:

summer/fall: endured months of agonizing pelvic pain (I feed pain) and subsequent surgeries (I feed surgery) for a kidney stone and insane amounts of endometriosis

winter: my mom was in and out of the hospital for three months (I feed emotional distress) with her own major surgery (I feed other people’s surgeries)

spring: half-off sale on chocolate Easter bunnies and crème eggs (I feed chocolate euphoria) …

So, here I am, two burgers away from being back to my heaviest weight ever on record. It’s a proud, proud moment.

But, as they say, the third time’s the charm and I’m hoping/praying/crossing fingers this old adage holds true for me, the want-to girl with often little can-do.

stay tuned …

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