Wednesday, June 10, 2009

day 103: in the homestrech

ACK! Just weighed in my office "Biggest Loser" challenge. Pfft!

Though I did really well with food choices this past week (not one ding dong passed these lips), my efforts weren't rewarded with a great number. In fact, the scale taunted me with a mere .4 pound loss ... I think the damn thing even said, "Mwaaahahaha!" when the display read 206.8. What a B.

Hit the gym at lunch and knocked out 300 calories on the eliptiKILL, who-hoo. Just need to do that 12 times everyday for the next 21 days and I should be all set. ;)

Anywhoo, 9 weeks down, three left to go, with 13.8 pounds left to shed to reach my personal goal.


Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...

my scale & I are not currently speaking!

mimipam said...


loveyoumimi--how did the food bank drive shopping go???