Thursday, August 7, 2008

Days 211-218 (NOtivation)

Well, kids, it’s time to come clean, I have lost all motivation. Every single drop of it — as evidenced by lack of recent blogging and my reluctance to post my last two weigh days.

I don’t really know what’s caused this sudden shift … maybe it’s the string of sweltering 100-plus degree days (it’s just too damn hot to give a damn … about anything) or maybe it’s because I haven’t been able to break out of the 190s for three months and I’m just exhausted from trying to beat down that door.

I’m sure it has a lot to do with the fact that I picked up a freelance job last week and so, when I should be working out, I’m writing. But, since the goal is to get into a house at the end of the year, extra $$$ is crucial (mama needs deco funds, lol!). (The pic above is me working last weekend poolside, instead of actually burning a cal IN the pool. But, I did keep the fan off so that I would at least sweat out some calories ... it was, after all, 107 that day!)

Anywhoo, I’m still doing boot camp and trying (I use this word loosely) to stay on track, but right now, in this moment, if someone presented me with a plate of sprinkle donuts, French fries and some lasagna on the side, I wouldn’t hesitate to lick the plate clean.

DS did do measurements last week at the end of our third month in boot camp. I’m still seeing results, but certainly nothing earth shattering (hmm, maybe that has something to do with eating my weight in pizza).

From June 21-July 31, I have:
*stayed the same in my neck: 13”
*stayed the same in my chest: 38”
*gained .25 inches in my biceps: 14”
*lost .5 inches in my forearms: 10”
*lost .25 inches in my abs: 35”
*lost .75 inches in my hips: 43"

*gained 1.5 inches in my thighs: 24”
*gained .25 inches in my calves: 16.5”

Overall, in three months of boot camp (going, on average, twice a week), I’ve now lost a combined 10.5 inches. And I am excited about the nice increase in muscle in my thighs. Hell, if you have to have big o’ honking legs, might as well have ones that don’t wiggle as much when you walk. =)

Fingers are crossed that this NOtivation is temporary (especially since I just passed off two boxes of my “bigger” clothes to a coworker). If anyone has any words of encouragement, inspiration or a photo that will kick me outta’ my funk, please share!


Leslie said...

Ahhhh, gotta love that plateau, baby! At least you haven't given up entirely. And aren't we all human? I know that I was stuck....stuck, I tell you, stuck - so stuck I was going backwards - until I took that step to take the group exercise class. Now I'm at the gym at least 6 times a week - with a new motivation (besides the one that says "why the hell are you paying $76 a month for something you don't use?"). I've dropped 9 pounds in 3 weeks - not that I don't have plenty to go, but the million-mile journey begins with....yada yada yada! You know that story....stick with it kiddo, it WILL happen for you - NOtivation will be overrun by Motivation...and good luck on the house too!


mimipam said...

dang gina--I know you have hit a huge wall, but you look GREAT--well, except for the raccon eyes!! the heck do you spell racoon???? lovemimi

MrsKP said...

Tessa Anne Marie! Seriously you look amazing. Please don't give up. It's worth it ... we all have setbacks. I just spent all summer living w/my parents a) eating my mother's cooking and b) barely working out lest it upset said mother (who had to watch the little ones whilst I went on frivolous outings such as RUNS). HANG IN THERE! And that's an order from the ole boss lady!

courtney said...

Hang in there, girl! You've come SO FAR and are doing awesome!