Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day 269 (we made it)

I don't know how you'd begin to spell that breathy little sigh of relief you do as you dramatically swipe the back of your hand across your forehead, but if I could, it would be here (so just pretend).

I was so, so, sooooo relieved that Coop and I made it through the JDRF walk yesterday with no major meltdowns (his or mine). Without the hubs there to run parental interference, I was a little nervous that halfway through Coop might bug out on me.

But, yay! He was a total trooper. In fact, he sawed logs for most of the 3-mile walk/ride. And, because I'm clearly M.O.Y. (mom of the year), not only did I sign-up my 1-year-old to join me in a long walk at the crack of dawn, but I also scheduled seven (yes, 7!!!) back-to-back tours of homes for sale with our realtor (again, sans daddy as he was at the ranch working) just an hour-and-a-half later. Niiiiice!

But, he did amazing And, bonus ... hauling that little 20-plus pounder out of the carseat, up to, around and through the house (some of the floors were not fit for bare feet --eek!), back into the carseat and wash, rinse, repeat seven times in 90-plus temps had to burn some serious cals (who-hoo!).

Now, umm, just don't ask how hot I've done today (mum's the word, lol).

Cooper lovin' on Leesa, our JDRF team captain.

Coop "walking" it out in his "For Cade" t-shirt.

Zonked. Who knew a 3-mile ride could be so exhausting?

p.s. A huuuuge thanks to everyone who donated to JDRF, the event/experience was amazing.


tammy said...

great job!! Glad to see you up and going again!!!!
What is the update on your "heart' issue?

:) a nosy lurker:)

Leslie said...

Yet another thing that amazes me about you and your fabulousness....with everything going on in your world, you keep giving back. You truly are an inspiration, kiddo.


MrsKP said...

a month and no post??