Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 16 (Fighting Back)

Ugghh. I'm sure we can all agree that the scale is the devil. And, after yesterday's disappointing weigh-in I was almost -ALMOST - ready to surrender my soul. But, two things happened that made me rethink the whole signing on the dotted line thing: a comment and a great workout.

The sister of a high school classmate left me an encouraging message on my post yesterday and it was just the out-of-the-blue boost I needed. Um, hello, wasn't that why I started this online torture test in the first place? So that I would be accountable to everyone??? (YAY! Courtney! Thanks for reminding me that people are reading/watching/commiserating!!)

Also, I teamed up with a dear friend for a serious sweat session at the gym. (I got a day pass so I could join her at a REAL workout facility ... the women's changing room is bigger than the entire workout space at the apartment.) Stac recently joined me in the whole "let's not live like this anymore" mentality, but her workout regime is, well, waaaaay tougher than mine has been. We hopped on the treadmill for what I assumed would be an amped 25 minutes when she dropped the bomb: "I do an hour of cardio."

Umm, what tha ....????


I think my brilliant, breathing-challenged response was, "huh."

Then I decided, what the hell. If I die during the next hour, as least I went out trying.

Because Stac had to hit the 3 o' clock carpool, we couldn't do the full hour, but we did (yes, me included! who-hoo!) powered through 20 minutes on the treadmill, 10 on the elliptical and 15 on the bike.

And I lived to tell about it. Nice.

Eat that, devil scales.


courtney said...

Good for you! 45 minutes of cardio is great! You know, I *hate* when people say this, but even though the (devil) scale didn't move yesterday you're still making progress. I'm sure you're clothes fit and feel better than the did the last time you weighed in. Keep it up!

I'm almost inspired to "dust off" my fat girl blog (that I gave up on a year or so ago) and get off my butt!

Meg said...

Hang in there, Tess! Keep in mind that you're lifting weights, which builds muscles -- and muscle weighs more than fat. So you'll probably see some fluctuation on the scales. Let how you feel indicate your progress, too!

I recently had an all-too simple revelation about exercise as well. People are so technologically advanced, we don't even use our bodies to DO anything anymore. This kind of grossed me out; so now I take the stairs to my 10th-floor office a couple times a week and walk to the store when the weather is nice.

After starting a full-time desk job last spring, I've definitely noticed some jean-tightening going on, and I'm not happy about that! I'm going to keep checking your blog for inspiration (and commiseration)!

Love ya!
