Friday, January 4, 2008

Day Three (Kudos)

OK, so last night was total gut check time: Did I really want the entire world to know just how out of control my weight is??? Sure, you can tell by looking at me, but it's totally different when numbers are associated. Yowzer!

I gave this venture serious thought and then said, "What the hell? Nothing else has worked."

The hubby was asleep when I finished posting last night and he didn't see the site until this AM.

"Wow," he said when he called from work after reading it. "You're really putting yourself out there aren't ya?"

Insert instant stomach cramps and waves of self doubt. Shit. Is this wrong???

"What do you mean?" I squeaked out.

"Your post. With your weight and stuff. (long pause) I'm impressed. Very impressed."

Aww. YAY!

"Thanks honey, I appreciate it."

Shortly following the phone call, the hubby forwarded an e-mail he'd received from one of his coworkers:

Your wife is the coolest. I admire her. She seems to always be on top of everything. She works, takes care of Cooper and you, cleans the house, blogs, looks for a job….she is amazing. I can't believe she put all that information on the computer. Hey, like she said, it keeps her accountable along with the whole world. Good for her. Even though she thinks she needs to lose some pounds (me too badly), she is so freaking cute. You are very lucky. She is lucky to have you supporting her and just an all around great guy, great hubby, and awesome dad!!!! Tell her she is doing great!!!

Double yay (thanks chica)!

I was hoping that by baring my BIGGEST secrets that two things would happen. 1.) Not only would I better my chances of success, after all it's one thing to weigh 228 and working on shredding that number, it's a totally different thing when you say you weigh that much and aren't actively working on it. 2.) That other women might be moved, if not inspired, to follow suit.

Only time will tell, but as for mid-morning on day three, I'm cautiously optimistic. Now, if I can just give my slug butt to the gym. UUGGHH.


Anonymous said...

You can do it!! Maybe I can too. But just so you know, Byron and I already think you are a hot mama. We love you. Maybe you guys can inspire us to loose a few also.

E said...

I found your blog through Lindsay. Go you! I am cheering you on!