Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 33 (seeing red)

About a week ago, while perusing the clearance racks at my favorite neighborhood Target, I spied a classic little red dress. Not much for donning dresses, I couldn't get over the cute black buttons and equally cute price tag: $4.98!!!! I thought the saucy number would be fun to wear on my first day of work with leggings ... a good confidence booster to show up in red ... or so I thought.

Last Monday, with rollers in my hair and a baby at my side, I slipped the newly purchased garmet over my head and was all set to zip when, um, it wouldn't! I had snagged a size 18, thinking it would fit since I was back into my size 18 jeans.


Not even half way.

Talk about a total fat blow to the ego.

Now, ready to start again in the AM after a week of sickness-induced indulgence, I am determined to get that damn dress to fit.

By February 23.

Some friends are coming in town that day for a conference and we've got reservations for dinner at Three Forks that night. While the dress isn't really tres chic enough for that particular restaurant, it's still my goal to be able to wear it during the day.

Stay tuned ... it's gonna take blood, sweat and tears (and probably professional-grade pliers and bacon grease ... yum, bacon) to get that pesky zipper to unite across my behemoth backside.


courtney said...

Good luck! I definitely think that's an obtainable goal! Maybe it was $4.98 and on clearance b/c it was mis-sized....maybe it's really a size 16!

Anonymous said...

Cute dress, Tessa! I know you can do it! :)

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, you freakin CRACK me up!!!! I needed the I am going to bed....loveyou melanoma mimi